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全部雜誌1年10期月刊 + 1期特別版 ( 加拿大雜誌除外 ) | 本港包郵 | WHATSPP: (852) 62862875
全部雜誌1年10期月刊 + 1期特別版 ( 除加拿大雜誌除外 ) | 本港包郵 | WHATSPP: (852) 62862875

Storytelling Session

Come to Hong Kong Book Fair Children Paradise Stage performance,
and listen to the amazing stories of Little Red Apple & StoryBox !

We are so proud to invite a wonderful native English storyteller from Kiddikraft.
Registered and attended children will receive a gift of Little Red Apple after the event and
have a chance to take photos with SamSam. (Quotas:50)*

Welcome to join us!
*Free admission on a first come, first served basis.
Registration deadline: 18/7/2017
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