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全部雜誌1年10期月刊 + 1期特別版 ( 加拿大雜誌除外 ) | 本港包郵 | WHATSPP: (852) 62862875
全部雜誌1年10期月刊 + 1期特別版 ( 除加拿大雜誌除外 ) | 本港包郵 | WHATSPP: (852) 62862875

HK Book Fair: Red Apple Coupon

Come to the Book Fair and receive a unique edition of Red Apple in traditional Chinese

Come to the Hong Kong Book Fair 2017. Visit Bayard Children’s Magazines booth 3E-C37 and get one free copy of Red Apple when you print and show this coupon from the 19th of July until the 25th of July. You will have the choice between one of the first edition of Red Apple and a recent issue that has been carefully chosen. We look forward to seeing you at Bayard Presse Asia Booth!

